I have waited for this vacation and family visit
for several months now.
The day is finally approaching.
I have been so busy with work, gardening, that I have procrastinated
getting my home ready for Aubry & Todd to arrive
with three active kids.
The "swede" and I have always wanted these kind of occasions or
holidays to be magical for our children and now
the tradition passes to the grand kids.
Mr."swede" is daily going thru memorabilia
that he has "preserved"
over decades, only now to discard it in the trash!!

The main room in our basement has been the resting places (RIP)
for at least dozens of boxes of STUFF!

Ok....... I am guilty too.......
My "project" room is getting a deep clean and new organization.
(my motivation is to not leave my daughters and their spouses
with hours, days, months of going through a lot of C_AP!
-fill in the blank...

So...here's a toast to the Past Memories of Decades of Life!