You can take this for what it's worth...
To was fast motion.
All in One Hour this Saturday morning.
-Made crepes for Dallas
-Attended to Ariel
(she is at home this weekend recovering
from wisdom teeth extractions)
1.Refilled her liquids/ice bag
2. Dispensed her medications
3. Called & talked with her Doctor.
(she needed advice on her pain relievers.)
4. Made her a fruit smoothie
-Answered the door to a salesperson selling ACT/SAT tutoring software,
I listened to the "Spiel" and said;
"no thanks".
-Finished making a pasta salad I had previously
started yesterday.
-Mixed together a batch of double chocolate cookies.
I am amazed that I was fairly calm and kept it together, well,
not so fast........
I had to blog about it!
Have a great Labor Day weekend!