When you Hear the word Opra what do you think of ?
Now, be honest...
I Am Not A Fan,
I guess The Opra's I have attended have been really
1. Boring
2. Not understood
3. Hurts my ears
But last night......
Gilbert and Sullivans

Ruddigore/or The Witch's Curse
It was presented
by the Zero Budget Production in conjunction
with the University of Utah Opera and Music Departments.
It was Funny, in English and hysterically
performed by
a very talented cast of college students.
click here to read more about the play.
Courtney Camp had the lead female role as
Rose Maybud (villiage Maiden)
I have known her since she was 8 yrs. old
Seriously, she has a beautiful high soprano voice
She was darling in this role, it was perfect for her talent.
I was so glad I went to this Opra...
If all Opera's were like this one, I could convert!
Well...Probably NOT...
I wonder if they made a movie on this theme?