Now that I am in my MID-LIFE of my
mortal existence here on earth,
I take time to reflect on the experiences I have participated in..
The journey has been GOOD
It has given me GREAT JOY
I have Wonderful FAMILY and FRIENDS
I have been blest to be a part of Eve's DNA Pool (Mother of All Living)
This past week was the G-20 Summit held in Pittsburgh
Who are behind.. (or I like to say, on the left side) of these
powerful men who participated in this conference.

I admire each of these women for their own personal identity.
Most of them could be leaders in their own countries.
Here is another set of women who are becoming the future.

My daughter, Ariel and her friends
(she is the shortest one, ninth from the left)
These women are all single and have yet to make their mark in this world.
I expect mighty great things to happen with these beautiful successful women.
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