Français Toast, Français Toast, Franska Toast, Ffrangeg Toast, Französisch Toast
You will have to try this delicious recipe if you love
French Toast

This is what you need:
1 loaf of chunky cinnamon bread cut in 8 slices
8 eggs
3 c. milk
1 T. brown sugar
1/3 tsp. salt
1 T. vanilla
2 T. butter cut in 8 chunks
Butter a 9x13 glass baking dish generously. Place bread flat in dish. Mix all the remain ingredients except the butter and pour over the bread. place your 8 chunks of butter on each slice. Refrigerate overnight or at least 6 hrs. Bake for 50 mins. at 350.
Caramel Syrup
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. heavy cream or whipping cream
1 c. light Karo syrup
Blend together and heat on stove top until sugar dissolves and the
mixture is smooth. Serve warm.
My family and friends have made this..
it's their favorite breakfast indulgence!
Bon Appetit!
My mouth is totally watering over this! I'm going to have to try it once I get off my diet. Thanks for sharing :)
I ate that piece for dinner the other night, it was so good.
This recipe sounds decadently soooo good. Thanks for sharing. Always looking for some new recipes. Thank you my friend!
Yummy to my tummy!
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