If you were born or grew up in the Fifties you would like this book.

She must have grown up in my same neighborhood, because her
characters were people I knew and lived by.
I didn't grow up in the fifties actually, I was a kid in the 60's and 70's but,
the sayings and the stories all fit into that time era.
After I read the book I sat for an hour and pulled out the sayings
that I remembered, sayings that brought a smile to my face.
There were so many that I wondered if she
had a group of fifty something year olds giving their input.
Here are some of the phrases I said or heard growing up:
"..last one there's a rotten egg"
"Henry and Sally sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!"
..it's none of your beeswax"
"See the USA in your Chevrolet"
..ready or not here I come...
eenie meanie minnie moe, catch a _____ by a toe
"lair lair pants on fire"
...next up... games of the sixities
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