While listening to my local NPR station: KUER, Salt Lake City.
I heard this interesting and intriguing segment on a foundation
within the city that seems like a concept
that just might work for the homeless.

The “chronically homeless” are not the panhandlers we see on the streets. They are Utahan’s who, often because of permanent disability, have been homeless for more than a year, or who have fallen into homelessness at least four times within three years.
Most chronically homeless end up living in emergency shelters, jails and treatment facilities – at great cost to the taxpayer.
- Children make up the fastest growing segment in Utah emergency shelters.
- Homelessness among Utah families has jumped 20 percent during the recession.
- 5 % of the homeless in Utah are original Utah residents.
- 15% of homeless individuals in Utah live in rural areas.
- About one-third of the chronically homeless in Utah are veterans.
- About one-third of the chronically homeless in Utah are veterans.
- The chronically homeless account for just 10 percent of Utah’s total homeless population, but use more than half of all resources. Housing First solves this dilemma.
- I ended up reading several articleson this man.John W. GallivanHe is the person who started this Foundation called:Crusade for the HomelessRead more about him here
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