What a great night to remember...
The Carol King & James Taylor
Troubadour Concert
Here are some highlights of the night.
It started at the Traks station at Jordan Commons

The Swede was the photographer of the night.
We arrived at the energy solutions Area
(home of the Jazz)

Lights out...and there they were, to perform
for 2 1/2 hrs.

Carol can still movie it on stage, she is 68 yrs old and James is 65 yrs old.
They were so mellow with the soft songs they have written.
I guess that is why I love them both.

James was upstaged by all of the songs Carol has written.
It was a great memory and I shed a tear, thinking
that I would not see them again in concert.

It was a night to remember. :)
1 comment:
i wish i was invited :( i LOVE james taylor! he is amazing
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