When you reach the age of 25 years old your own skin starts the process of slowing down. It's natural elasticity or better said; the making of the skins collagen(protein) starts slowing down.
I remember when I reached that age how I panicked!

20 year old in this photo.
I have vowed that I will try to do what I can to keep
my skin looking great so that I will not resort to facial surgery.
I am trying to embrace this attitude with optimism.
Now that I am approaching the wonderful exciting age of 53,
this is how I have resolved to keep my
skin looking....hummm..well,not so "old" looking.

I adhere to 10 essential habits with my skin that I will not comprise.

(except when I am at work).
2. Must drink 3-4 glasses of a water type liquid each day.
4. I have found thru the years of aging that the skin needs to be
sloughed a lot and in order to do this I use a
white face cloth with my morning cleanser.
5. I give myself mini facial manipulations weekly.
6. I eat a tablespoon of tomato paste daily. This has liposone in it
that is beneficial to the skin and helps with circulation.
7. I sleep 8 hrs a night.
(your skin needs the rest from facial
expression, environment and gravity).
8. I use a daytime moisturizer heavy with humectants that will not absorb quickly into the skin and will help my skin look moist.
9. The use of a night time moisturizer helps in the nourishment and'
promotion of "new cell" regeneration
( it's all about "new cell" generation that keep the skin looking younger).
10. Think Young..(although, aging has it's benefits).
OK, you may not know this but I was a licensed Esthetician many moons ago.

well..... off to find the.....

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