Last Thursday, the "swede" and I went to ski up at
Deer Valley Resort in Utah.
It's a great place to ski no matter what age, they groom
the slopes and there is no snow boarding allowed so, it's really
easy to ski (at least for me) or until last Thursday...
It was the end of the day and we were making our way back
to the the gondola to get back to our car when, I caught the side of the "swedes" ski.
We weren't going fast, in fact I think we had just gotten off the lift and
I barely had any momentum.
I plopped down on my right side and twisted my knee.
(I went to my cousin who is a PT)
and he examined it and suggested that I might have torn my meniscus.
Putting that unwanted diagnosis a side,
I thought I would dwell on something cheerful!
Animals that love to ski!!
I wish I could have found some information
on this illustrator but haven't yet.
My interpretation to this one is..
the skier is taking a break, (notice that he is smoking).
and the "local" bunnies came out to see who was on their ski run!
Notice that the bunnies are different colors. |
When I look at this illustration, it reminds me of the Golden Books characters. |
This illustration is fairly new because they drew a rabbit on a snow board, |
I see that this must be on the "bunny hill", look to the center back and you will see the bunnies momma worried that her child took a spill! |
Of course CATS SKI! (the felines to the right are just styling with the sweaters and their shades!) |
I've titled this one: Just Dogging It! |
It's amazing that humans imagine animals skiing!